Impact (Hail) Resistant Roofs What Are Impact Resistant Roofs? Destroyed windows on your brand-new car, damaged roof (again), sounds of what seems the sky falling...READ MORE »

Get to know Eric
Eric was born on the West Coast but has spent half of his life in the state of Colorado. He has a loving wife, Charly, who he has been with for 7 years and she is his biggest supporter. Eric has been in the roofing industry for over 12 years, since the age of 15. Eric learned most of what he knows from his father, Edgar, who taught him passion for their craft, and how to work hard and get the job done right the first time.
Eric is bilingual, speaking both English and Spanish. He never turns down good hiking recommendations or food locations, and he takes pride in the service he does for his community.

Eric can get his work done easily. Eric can answer many questions about how the tiles lay down on the house, or the type of material you are looking for. Eric can tell you passionately about helping his community and making sure your roof has what it needs. Eric manages multiple teams, and he makes sure that they can get the job done right.
Eric happily serves in Denver West, Glendale, Lakewood, Littleton, and Wheatridge.
We thank Eric for all his hard work at Excel Roofing! Hit Eric up for any questions, to lead his team for your project!

Good To Know
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